Breaking Bad FAN ART

Breaking Bad Stars Bryan Cranston/Walter White ,Aaron Paul/Jesse Pinkman ,Anna Gunn/Skyler White ,Dean Norris/Hank Schrader,Betsy Brandt/Marie Schrader ,RJ Mitte/Walter White Jr ,Bob Odenkirk/Saul Goodman SPOILERS A quick run through of the whole show. Breaking Bad is a television show set in Albuquerque New Mexico it follows the story of Walter Hartwell White a 50 year old chemistry teacher who gets the news that he has lung cancer, After getting the news he realises he wont be leaving his family allot of money to live on after he’s gone after watching with his DEA brother in law take down a meth lab he notice there is allot of money to get from cooking meth so with help from Jesse Pinkman a former student of his who is involved in the drug underworld he begins to cook the purest meth available in an old recreational vehicle. Over time things escalate to the point Walter is working for Gustavo Fring who is a big drug lord and is giving Walter and Jesse 11 million dollars for cooking meth. Things get crazy Gus dies Walter starts his own METH EMPIRE his brother in law finds out which leads to Walters end. THE SHOWS FAN ART

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